Give Us A Call 0433 080 837

Our Address

Sisu Botanicals, 25 Railway Place, Fairfield & Tecoma (Dandenong Ranges foothills)

Morning Ritual (Before you embark on your day)

Light a candle with awareness.Take a few deep, centering breaths. Become aware of your body & with purpose, visualise your crown chakra (top of your head) opening, connecting to the Divinity within you and surrounding you. With humility, focus your awareness to your heart centre (placing hands in prayer pose). Ask for guidance and grace. Breathe into your whole being (for 1-3 minutes). Set an intention for your day (one to nourish your whole self). Consciously with your breath, visualise every part of your being, give life to your intention. Trust and give thanks.

Evening Ritual (Before bed)

Light a candle with awareness. Take a few deep, centering breaths. With purpose, visualise your crown chakra (top of your head) opening, connecting to the Divinity within you and surrounding you. Breathe a few long deep breaths. Become aware of your whole body & with humility place your hands in prayer pose at your heart centre. Breathe a few long deep breaths. Now focus your energy into your feet, feeling the ground beneath you. Just for today, as you exhale your breath, consciously surrender any anger, worry or unresolve into the earth for transformation. Giving yourself permission to let this go. Creating space on your exhalation. Continue deep breathing (for 1-3 minutes). Trust and give thanks

Meditation for Emotional Intensity

For: overwhelm by any emotional state, anxiety, panic, PMT, disassociated,

Take a moment by yourself. Give yourself permission to simply check in with your feelings. Close your eyes and allow whatever thought, feeling or emotion to reveal itself to you. Notice any areas of tension, anxiety or pain. Be aware of any sensations that come up for you. Now, say “yes” to everything that is happening within you. Allow all that is existing for you in this moment to be there as it is. Put aside your need to solve, analyse or run away from your experience. Continue to breathe into your body. Witnessing all the sensations & feelings that are present. Becoming available to all that is here in this moment. Deepen your breathing. Feel yourself surrender. Continue this process until you feel a shift emotionally.

Duration: This process can take anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes to feel a shift emotionally, depending on the intensity.

Contact us

For all bookings, services, workshops and enquiries please contact Angelica